Observant parishioners may have noticed that on Friday 30th April 2021, white notices appeared on various poles at the A38/A4019 junction at Coombe Hill. GCC is currently assessing options for a potential improvement scheme at M5 junction 10. “In preparing for the final submission of the CPO application, the Council (GCC) must identify everyone with a property/land interest within the Coombe Hill area, which is proposed to construct or operate the project. If you believe you have an interest in the land and have not been contacted, then please contact the(Carter Jonas) Land Referencing Team on 0121 7946250 or please email land.referencing@carterjonas.co.uk”
Despite contacting Carter Jonas, GCC Highways and Atkins the Parish Council have been unable to obtain any additional information other than that shown.
Update 02 June 2021: The Project Manager has finally responded with the following information in an email to the Parish Council:
“To provide some clarification on the notices you refer to, these are not CPO notices but Request for Information notices designed to establish contact with the landowner. The Coombe Hill junction proposals will have an impact on the petrol filling station and we would like to engage with the landowner on the impacts of the scheme. As previously discussed with the Parish Council, Gloucestershire County Councils preferred approach has been and still remains to acquire any land required through negotiation. Until we can establish conversation with the landowners, it isn’t possible to understand how viable this option will be.
To provide a more generic scheme update, Gloucestershire County Council are currently exploring various strategies in regards to the delivery of the M5 Junction 10 scheme, which includes the possibility of delivering the Coombe Hill works separately and potentially in advance of the main Junction 10 works.
As such, it is our ambition to setup a meeting with Leigh Parish Council in the near future to provide an update on the scheme. We have preferred route announcement date scheduled for the 16th June. We will be happy to have a conversation with you as soon as possible after this date. This would be a Teams or Zoom meeting like previously”.