Fireworks If you are planning to set off fireworks, it would be courteous to make your
immediate neighbours aware in case extra arrangements need to be made for dogs,
cats, horses etc (and sheep!).
Dog Waste Bins It is with disappointment that the PC have agreed to a trial of dog waste bins in the village, it was hoped that after articles in previous newsletters that all owners would clear up after their pets. The majority of villagers do but we also have visitors to the village. Before we spend the Parish funds on official dog bins (£500 per bin), it was agreed a trial of 2 temporary bins (provided by a member of the parish) would be placed, one by the village pond and one on the verge at the junction of A38 and Church Lane. John Arkell has agreed to empty them for the trial (until Jan 2020). The level of success will be discussed at the first PC meeting in the new year when a decision will be made. A reminder that dog waste is allowed in everyone’s normal green bin that goes to landfill so hopefully this will not be a long term requirement.
Parish Web Site It is now nearly three years since we created our Parish website and although certain parts are regularly updated I am afraid recently I have been unable to find the time to look after it all. I am, therefore, looking for someone in the Parish who would be happy to look after the site for the future. All it takes is about 2-3 hours a month and you do not need to be a computer expert – it is really easy. If interested, please contact me by email ( and I will be happy to help with any handover. Colin W
Beware your speed. Now that the darker nights are coming can we all be mindful of walkers, dogs and
horses whilst we drive around the village. We don’t want any accidents.