UPDATE 23.6.2021: Email from CBC – “I note that the Parish Council have added (to) two names. These names are not listed on the formal consultation so have not been checked by us (the Local Authority) for compliance with the Street Naming and Numbering policy or agreed to by the developer. We are happy to receive suggestions from the Parish Council, but please note that we may not be able to agree to the additional names Curlew and Horthorn.
Please also note that it is not the Parish’s decision on the final name choice. Once we have collated all the representations from the Parish, Consultees and members of public, the developer will have the final choice (any names that are identified as unacceptable via valid reasons of objection will be removed from the selection).”
The Parish Council have also been asked to add ‘Swan’ to the list. A response to CBC will be sent with all the suggestions together with reasons for and against all the other names.
Cheltenham Borough Council act on behalf of Tewkesbury Borough Council when it comes to new street names. As you are aware, new houses are currently under construction at Coombe Hill. CBC have received an application for permission to register a new street name and the developers have submitted four names and the Parish Council have added two more. They are in no particular order and a brief description behind the names has been attached. Each street name will use one suffix after the name e.g. Road, Close, Street which is added by the CBC Street naming team. The Suffix chosen by CBC is designed to help emergency service vehicles when they are called to a site. They know that a close is going to be a dead end etc
- Villard – Villard is French for battle fortress. Also the name of the type of grape that was grown on the site, created by French horticulturist Bertille Seyve and his father-in-law Victor Villard
- Victor – Victor is the Latin for winner or conqueror and the first name of the horticulturists Father In Law (see above).
- Vineyard – reflects the most recent activity on the site.
- Harvest – from harvesting the grapes on site.
- Curlew – the ground nesting bird at Coombe Hill Nature Reserve.
- Hawthorn – in memory of the hedges that have been removed from this site.
Site Notices were displayed on the 15th June 2021 and the consultation will last for 21 days (ending on the 6th July 2021). Remember that whichever name is finally approved it will be with us forever more!
A Face Book Poll has been set up on the Leigh Community Face book page. If you are not able to access this but would like to vote for a name please send me an email with your preference. You are welcome to contact CBC directly – use the details below. The closing date for your preference is Tuesday 6th July at 12 noon.
Full details of the full planning application may be inspected on the council website.
Any person who wishes to make representations about the application should make them, in writing, to streetnaming@cheltenham.gov.uk.
To contact the Street Naming and Numbering team please call 01242 264329 or email streetnaming@cheltenham.gov.uk.
If you require further information regarding the street naming and numbering of the above development, please do not hesitate to contact us.