19th April 2018 Ref: OR5161MTC
Britannia Construction is very pleased to have been appointed as main contractor for the Over Roundabout Scheme. We are a local (Cheltenham) based Civil Engineering Contractor and are excited to work with Gloucestershire County Council on the delivery of this prestigious scheme.
Works will commence on Monday the 30th April and continue for approximately 18 weeks.
The purpose of the scheme is to improve the capacity of the A40 Over roundabout by widening the Westbound and Southbound approaches by one additional lane and by the addition of a third circulatory lane within the roundabout.
The overall aim of the proposed scheme is to reduce queues and delays on the A40 ‘east-west’ and A417 ‘north-south’ approaches through A40 Over roundabout, thus improving vehicle journey times and addressing journey reliability problems.
Works include the installation of new sheet piled retaining walls on the Westbound and Southbound approaches and the installation of traffic signal infrastructure to support a future junction upgrade. The existing lighting and road restraint system will also be replaced
As a valued member of the local community we would like to invite you to a Meet the Contractor Pre-Start Information Event. Representatives from Britannia Construction, Amey and Gloucestershire County Council will be available to answer any questions you may have. We have booked the Wharf Restaurant at Over on Monday 23rd April and will be available between 4.00pm and 7.00pm. Tea and coffee will be available.
If you are unable to make the event but have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be available throughout the construction phase to provide continuous liaison and engagement with all businesses and residents within the local area.
Yours faithfully
Christian Chambers
Project Manager for Britannia Construction