
Agenda for the Full Parish Council Meeting on Wedenssday 10th November 2021 at 7.30 pm

Agendas Uploaded on November 4, 2021


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LEIGH PARISH FULL COUNCIL MEETING ON WEDNESDAY 10th November 2021, AT 7.30PM at St Catherine’s Church.


 1.Welcome and apologies

2. Declarations of interest.

3. To formally approve the Minutes of the last meeting.

4. To discuss the following planning application and consider a response for:

21/01200/FUL – 2 Walton Grange, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Demolition of existing conservatory. Conversion and alterations to form

side extension.

Planning updates.

5. To discuss and comment on the Tewkesbury Borough Plan – Main Modifications  consultation (1st Nov to 14th Dec 2021).

6. To approve the Financial Statement and consider the precept for 2022/23

a) Covid 19 Grant

b) CIL income

c) Financial support for the newsletter

d) Allotment contracts

e) Celebration for the Queen’s 70th Anniversary

7.  To discuss the purchase, location and ongoing costs for the Leigh Flood Pump.

8. Update on Highways issues.

9. Update on the Neighbourhood Development Plan

10.To approve training for the Clerk.

11.Items for a future agenda/Any other business

Members are reminded that the Council has a duty to consider the above matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equalities, Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.

02.11.21                                                                                                                                       Kate Tilling, Parish Clerk