ENFORCEMENT: For information and advice on planning infringement or unauthorised development: contact the TBC Planning Enforcement Officer on 01684 272109 or email @tewkesbury.gov.uk In the event of unauthorised development the council has a statutory duty to investigate all breaches of planning control. The council has a range of enforcement powers that derive from the laws passed by Parliament which are exercised in accordance with Government circulars, guidance and council policy. All complaints are dealt with in the strictest confidence and details of the complainants will not be made known without agreement.
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: For information and advice on Environment matters contact Kerri Fenn on 01684 272181 or email kerri.fenn@tewkesbury.gov.uk
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (based in Tewkesbury): Ruth Clare Tuesday to Friday on 020 30251560 or email on ruth.clare@environment-agency.gov.uk. The dumping of waste soil and materials can be logged with the Incident Communications service on 0800 807060 and should also be raised with TBC. The agencies work together to determine the seriousness of the incident.
PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROWS): Public rights of way are open to everyone at any time and give you the right to walk, ride a horse or cycle along certain routes. Some rights of way are open to vehicles. Under Section 137 the Highways Act 1980, it is an offence to obstruct free passage along a public right of way. To find the relevant GCC website page go to www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/highways/public-rights-of-way. Our contact is Hilary and an updated contact phone and email details are currently under way.
PLANNING PORTAL: The Planning Portal is an external website and not managed by Tewkesbury Borough Council. Please telephone 0333 323 4589 for the Planning Portal support help desk. The website contains a wealth of information and advice including interactive guides, whether planning permission is needed, active links to the planning process and building control.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS: Listed below are recent planning applications and where available, decisions made. For full information and the ability to make comments on applications, please visit the planning portal on the TBC website https://www.tewkesbury.gov.uk/planning/
New Applications:
24/0064/COMPLI: Coombe Hill Junction, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill, Gloucester, Gloucestershire. Proposal: Compliance with conditions 4 (Hours of Working) and 6(Site Compound) relating to planning consent 22/0036/TWR3MJ dated 21/04/2023
24/01037/PDDEM: Brawn Farm, The Leigh, Gloucester. Demolition of Brawn Farmhouse
24/0059/TWREG3: Coombe Hill Farm Shop, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 4BE. The removal of an existing access and a proposed new vehicular access from the A38 to the north of the A38/A4019 junction and the new Lapwing Meadows residential
24/00613/FUL: Part Parcel 1180, The Leigh, Gloucester. Full Planning Permission for the erection of 2no. detached dwellings, including associated landscaping, access and parking.
24/00267/FUL: Staplins Farm , Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Proposed construction of earth bank flood defence 150m long.
24/00545/FUL: Brawn Farm , The Leigh, Gloucester. Full planning permission for 3 no. detached dwellings (with Plot 1 being a Self Build Dwelling), including access, parking and landscaping following demolition of existing 1 no. detached dwelling and ancillary barns and sheds.
24/00388/APP: Approval of Reserved Matters relating to appearance, scale, layout and landscaping and discharge of conditions 12 (Drainage (reserved matter requirement)) and condition 16 (Ecological Enhancement Plan) pursuant to outline permission 23/00293/OUT. Land At Church Lane Church Lane The Leigh Gloucester Gloucestershire
24/00202/PIP: Part Parcel 3971, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh. Permission in principle for the erection of between 1 and 5 no.
Enforcement Investigations:
23/00132/ENFD: Alleged erection of unauthorised outbuilding at Fieldview Bungalow, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh, Gloucester. GL19 4AA
22/00078/ENFD: Property operating as holiday let without planning permission/any record of it on public access at The Loft At The Croft The Leigh Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 4AG
22/00059/ENFC: Alleged breach of landscaping plans permitted under planning application ref:18/00173/FUL & conditions submission: 21/00041/CONDIS. Part Parcel 8917 Tewkesbury Road Coombe Hill Gloucester Gloucestershire
21/00229/ENFD: Unauthorised rear extension at Todpool Cottage, The Leigh, Gloucester, GL19 4AG
21/00039/ENFB: Non compliance with condition 3 (tree protection) of planning permission 18/00173/FUL at Part Parcel 8917. The Swan Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill.
20/00262/ENFC: Alleged unauthorised change of use of two agricultural buildings to use for the repair of motor vehicles at Holborn Farm Blacksmith Lane The Leigh Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 4AG.
20/00110/ENFC: Alleged development not in accordance with planning permission 18/00970/APP at Leigh Court Church Lane The Leigh Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 4AF. Retrospective planning application 21/00210/FUL submitted as a result. Response from EO dated 25.03.21
Pending Applications:
APP/G1630/C/23/3334967/23/00212/ENFC: Paddock Cottage, Church Lane, The Leigh, Gloucester. Appeal against Enforcement Notice.
APP/G1630/W/23/3330019/22/01217/FUL: Paddock Cottage, Church Lane, The Leigh, Gloucester, Gloucestershire. Appeal against refusal of planning permission.
19/01208/FTP – Leigh End Farm, Church Lane, The Leigh. Diversion of footpath ALH16 for planning application 19/00857/FUL. Still pending 16.09.2020. Nothing new on planning portal since 23 Jan 2020. Still pending 16.12.2020. No Decision Issued – Final disposal dated 19.01.2022. New drawing submitted 15.05.2023. Revised drawing on portal 29.11.2023
16/02000/OUT – Elms Park. Outline application for up to 4115 new homes, 24 ha of employment, a hotel and mixed use centres providing retail and community facilities, a transport hub and public transport inter change, primary and secondary school education, new areas of green infrastructure including areas of play sports hub, woodland planting, allotments and habitat, new access onto Tewkesbury Road and Manor Road, new foot-ways and cycle-ways, and drainage infrastructure. Information last updated 10.06.2020 and last two entries refer to the M5 junction 10 upgrade. Information last updated 20.04.21. Most of the documentation appears to be addressed to Cheltenham Borough Council. The only additions to the planning portal under this reference during the past 2 years have been by Highways England. Last document worth a read. Recommends limiting housing to 260 until any road upgrade is put in place and even then, until new data is undertaken this can only be expanded to 1000. Worried about car queuing on the motorway slip road. The M5 Junction 10 Improvement scheme is interlinked to this development area. July 2022: This application which has yet to be determined has now been supported with the following additional information as follows:
The Revised Parameter Plans/ Concept Block Plan/Play Strategies Plan (for illustrative purposes)/Illustrative Masterplan/Building Demolition Plan/Revised Design and Access Statement/Planning Statement Addendum/Transport Assessment Addendum/Ecology Report – ES Addendum including preliminary BNG calculations/Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment/Sustainable Community Statement
Planning Application decisions:
24/00914/FUL: Windyridge , Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Gloucester. Removal/Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of the planning
application ref number 21/00655/FUL. PERMIT dated 22.01.25 with 12 conditions.
24/00874/FUL: Coombe Bank , Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Proposed garden room side extension. (Part retrospective). PERMIT dated 20.01.25 with 3 conditions.
24/00865/FUL: Tudor Cottage , Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Proposed erection of flood defence measures including walling,
demountable removable barriers and grass bund.
24/00866/LBC: Tudor Cottage , Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Proposed erection of flood defence measures including walling,
demountable removable barriers and grass bund. This and the above application have been treated as one. PERMIT dated 20.12.24 with 2 conditions
23/00978/FUL: Becketts Farm. Pancake Lane, The Leigh. Retrospective application for change of use for the siting of one shepherd’s hut and associated works. Details amended 20th Dec 2023 to include new location for parking space and adjusted red line, updated drainage strategy and supporting statement. REFUSED 28.11.24. Contary to TBLP policies TOR1, TOR2, TOR3, ARG2 and JCS SD$ and SD6
24/00719/FUL: Hillview Cottage , Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Removal of existing conservatory, erection of new two storey rear extension, replacement windows and new solar panels. PERMIT dated 18.11.24 with 3 conditions attached.
24/00024/CONDIS: Application for approval of details subject to condition 2 (landmark feature) of the planning application ref number 22/00194/APP. Part Parcel 0120 Tewkesbury Road Coombe Hill Gloucester Gloucestershire,. DISCHARGED 25.07.24
24/00087/PIP: Land At Part Parcel 1160, Church Lane, The Leigh. Permission in Principle for residential development of 1 new dwelling.
LOCATION: REFUSED dated 07.06.2024.The site lies outside of Tewkesbury’s towns and villages in a location where new housing is strictly controlled, it would not complement the form of the settlement nor be well related to existing buildings in the settlement, nor does it represent a sustainable location for development by failing to provide safe and suitable access to services and community facilities by sustainable transport methods. There are no other specific exceptions/circumstances defined in district or neighbourhood plans which indicate that permission in principle should be granted. Therefore, the proposed development is not an appropriate location for new residential development, contrary to Policies SP2, SD4, SD10, and INF1 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031, Policies RES3 and RES4 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031, Policy H1 of The Leigh Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020-2031, and the National Planning Policy Framework.
23/00779/FUL: Evington Manor, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Proposed stables in the garden of Evington Manor. REFUSED dated 14.12.2023. 1. The proposed development would cause unacceptable and unwarranted harm to the agricultural character of the rural landscape by reason of form, scale, design, re-use of domestic materials and addition of a solar array, which would together have an overtly domestic appearance and similarity to the former Vine Tree Farm, contrary to Policies SD4 and SD6 of the adopted Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031, Policy LAN2 of the adopted Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031, Policy E1 of the Leigh Neighbourhood Development Plan and to the NPPF. 2. The proposed development does not meet the exception test for siting in the flood zone and does not demonstrate how it would avoid flood risk, in accordance with a risk based sequential approach. Neither does the development demonstrate how it would incorporate sustainable drainage systems. The development is therefore contrary to Policy INF2 of the adopted Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury
Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031, Policy ENV2 of the adopted Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031, Policy F1 of the Leigh Neighbourhood Plan and the NPPF. 3. The proposed development does not demonstrate how it would protect existing ecological assets, including European Protected Species, contrary to Policy SD9 of the adopted Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031, and the NPPF
22/01165/FUL: Evington Manor , Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Variation of Conditions 1,9,10 of appeal decision 17/00478/FUL to
allow retention of part (comprising former side bathroom, store and hay loft above) of building known as Vine Tree Farm, to form store and bat roost space above, after demolition of remainder, and in lieu of the erection of new bat house (amended description). PERMIT dated 01.12.2023 with 9 conditions.
23/00751/FUL: Fieldview Bungalow, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL19 4AA. Retrospective Planning Application for a fabric structure with internal steel frame for drying out Area for Motorhomes. PERMIT dated 27.11.23 with no conditions
23/00293/OUT: Land at Church Lane, Church Lane, The Leigh. Erection of 2 no. 4 bed dwellings including details of access with all
other matters (appearance, scale, layout and landscaping as reserved matter) reserved. PERMIT dated 21.11.23 with 14 Conditions.
23/00477/FUL: Land to the South of Blacksmith Lane and East of Cyder Press Farmhouse, The Leigh. Erection of a one storey, one bedroom oak framed dwelling. REFUSED dated 19.09,2023. 1. The site does not lie within or adjacent to the built-up area of the settlement of The Leigh, and as such the proposal does not represent infilling within the existing built-up area of a town or village, does not meet any of the other criteria within Policy SD10 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017), and there are no other specific exceptions/circumstances defined in district or neighbourhood plans which indicate that permission should be granted. The proposed development therefore conflicts with policy RES4 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 (adopted June 2022), and policies SP2 and SD10 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017) in that the proposed development does not meet the strategy for the distribution of new development in Tewkesbury Borough and the application site is not an appropriate location for new residential development.
2. The proposal, by virtue of its siting, layout and design would have a harmful impact on the character and the setting of the listed building. A moderate degree of less than substantial harm would be generated and this would not be outweighed by the public benefits of the scheme. As such the proposal would be contrary to Section 66 (1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Policy SD8 of the
Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017), Policy HER2 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 (2022) and policies H1 and E3 of The Leigh Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2031 (2022).
3. The scheme would result in the erosion of the open, undeveloped green spaces separating the dwellings to the detriment of the environmental character and the wider landscape when looking into the settlement from wider views. Therefore, the scheme is contrary to policy SD6 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017), policy LAN2 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 (2022) and policy E1 of The Leigh Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2031 (2022).
4. The proposed access would have a substandard visibility splay which would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety, and the proposed development would not be in a suitable location for housing, having regard to the local development strategy for the area, accessibility to services and reliance on private motor vehicle. It would fail to accord with the location strategy and accessibility elements of Policies INF1, SD10 and SP2 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017) and Policies TRAC1, RES3, RES4 and RES5 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 (2022) and Policy H1 of The Leigh Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020-2031 (2022).
5. The submitted Preliminary Ecological Assessment is considered out of date and therefore insufficient information has been submitted, an updated PEA is required in order to assess the impact of the development on protected species. Accordingly, the proposal is contrary to policy SD9 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017), policy NAT1 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 (2022) and policy E2 of The Leigh Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020-2031 (2022).
6. Insufficient information has been submitted with the application relating to the impact of the proposal upon the existing trees. A tree survey and an arboricultural impact assessment is required to demonstrate the impact of the proposal. Accordingly, the proposal is contrary to policy INF3 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017), and policy NAT3 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local
Plan 2011-2031 (2022).
7. The location of the proposed development results in no realistic transport choices other than the private vehicle to gain access to the site and to access local and community facilities. The scheme is therefore contrary to Policy INF1 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 (2017) and would conflict with the sustainable transport aims of the NPPF.
22/01217/FUL: Paddock Cottage, Church Lane, The Leigh. Change of use of existing paddock to domestic curtilage. Erection of a
carport with home office above. REFUSED dated 01.09.23. The retention of the change of use of the paddock area as residential curtilage and its associated domestic paraphernalia along with the erection of the proposed car port with home office above represents a significant encroachment into the surrounding countryside and discernible harm to the character and appearance of the area, contrary to Policies RES10 and RES11 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 and Policy SD4 of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031
23/00578/FUL : Unit 6 Knightsbridge Business Centre, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Change of Use from B8 storage and distribution to B2 Light Industrial Use to form commercial production kitchen. PERMIT dated 21.08.2023 with 3 conditions
23/00410/FUL: The Bellows, Coombe Hill, Gloucester. Section 73 Application for the Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans) for planning permission 21/01458/FUL. PERMIT dated 10.08.2023 with 12 conditions.
22/00876/APP – Part Parcel 8917 Tewkesbury Road Coombe Hill Gloucester.Variation of condition 6 attached to application reference number 18/00173/FUL dated 20/10/2020 to substitute the condition approved drawing “370-02-110 Rev.P7” for amended plan “370-02-110 Rev.C3” in order to adjust position of pathway & hedgerow on the eastern side of the attenuation basin due to as-built levels and attenuation
basin position. To substitute approved drawing reference to approved drawing “370-02-110 Rev.P7” to read “370-02-110 Rev.C3”. PERMIT dated 01.06.2023 with 12 conditions.
23/00208/CLE: Fieldview Trailer Park, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh. Use of the land as a residential caravan site by people from both the
gypsies and travellers community and from the settled population. GRANTED dated 14.04.2023
22/01003/FUL: The Croft, The Leigh, Gloucester. Change of use of land for the provision of a mobile home for holiday let
accommodation and conversion of 1st floor garage to holiday let accommodation, together with change of use of land for display of 20 solar voltaics. Revised information. PERMIT dated 23.03.2023 with 12 conditions attached.
22/00635/FUL: Leigh Farm , The Leigh, Gloucester. Conversion and alteration of an existing red brick barn to a single dwelling, with associated car parking. Application withdrawn 17.03.2023
22/00649/FUL: Leigh Farm , The Leigh, Gloucester. Demolition of an existing timber building and the erection of a new dwelling, including means of access. Application withdrawn 17.03.2023.
22/00880/FUL: Land at Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Erection of a detached timber-framed infill dwelling, including
associated access, parking and landscaping. Application withdrawn. 27.01.2023
21/00655/FUL: Windyridge, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Erection 1 no. dwelling following the demolition of the existing agricultural building and associated works. New revised drawings submitted 10.06.2022 but TBC has failed to notify the Parish Council. PERMIT dated 18.10.2022 with 11 conditions attached.
22/00180/FUL: Wharf House, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Extensions and associated landscaping works. PERMIT dated 11.08.2022 with 7 conditions attached.
21/01143/FUL: Fieldview Bungalow, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh. Change of use of land to provide extension to existing motorhome
sales business, vehicle display area. APP/G1630/W/22/3294458 – an appeal for failure to determine planning permission. Appeal dismissed 20.07.2022. Application for costs also dismissed.
21/01458/FUL: The Bellows, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Residential development of four dwellings, revised access
arrangements, landscaping and associated works. PERMIT dated 01.07.2022 with 11 conditions attached.
APP/G1630/W/22/3290655 (21/00063/FUL) : Appeal Notification – 21/00063/FUL – Evington Manor Tewkesbury Road Coombe Hill Gloucester. An appeal for refusal of planning permission for Removal/Variation of Condition 1 (approved plans), Condition 8 (Protected Species Method Statement) and Condition 9 (Demolition of Vine Tree Farm) of the planning application reference. 17/00478/FUL, to allow the original dwelling house on the site to be retained for use as a bat roost and ancillary storage in association with Evington Manor. Appeal dismissed 30.06.2022
22/00194/APP: Land Off A38, Coombe Hill, Gloucester. Approval of reserved matters application for up to 95 dwellings,
associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space, landscaping and construction of
new vehicular and pedestrian accesses. PERMIT dated 22.06.2022 with 3 conditions.
22/00345/FUL: 2 Walton Grange , Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Erection of a single storey rear extension. PERMIT dated 17.05.2022 with 3 conditions.
22/00152/FUL: Sewerage Treatment Works, Pancake Lane, The Leigh. Upgrade of existing process plant and control equipment.
Refurbishment of site compound, including access ways, man hole covers and kiosks. PERMIT dated 01.04.2022 with 6 conditions attached.
22/00146/FUL: 3 Pancake Corner, The Leigh, Gloucester. Erection of a single storey extension to front, side and rear. PERMIT dated 18.03.22 with 3 conditions.
21/00212/FUL: Erection of a cow cubicle house (retrospective) at Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh. PERMIT dated 18.03.2022 with 2 conditions.
21/00210/FUL: Erection of a milking parlour, cattle handling facilities building and external cow collecting yard (retrospective) at Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh. PERMIT dated 18.03.2022 with 4 conditions attached.
21/01364/FUL: Hoefield House, Church Lane, The Leigh. Demolition of existing carport and erection of a garage with room. Revised plans. PERMIT dated 28.02.22 with 3 conditions attached.
21/01305/FUL: Tod Cottage, The Leigh, Gloucester. Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans) and 5 (first floor window
details) of planning permission 19/00131/FUL. PERMIT dated 27.1.2022 with 3 conditions attached.
21/00796/FUL: Greystones, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Demolition of single storey and two storey rear extension and erection of a two storey rear extension. Revised plans – Oct 2021. PERMIT dated 21.01.2022 with 3 conditions attached.
19/00857/FUL – Leigh End Farm, Church Lane, The Leigh. Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and structures. Erection of an agricultural building to provide cubicle housing for dairy herd. Still pending 16.09.2020, nothing new added to the planning portal since 24 August 2020. Last correspondence from Natural England dated 14.10.2020. Ammonia report added Feb 2021 and updated email from Natural England dated March 2021. No Decision Issued – Final disposal dated 19.01.2022. PERMIT dated 04.05.2023 with 4 conditions.
21/01200/FUL: 2 Walton Grange, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Demolition of existing conservatory. Conversion and alterations to form
side extension. PERMIT dated 13.12.21 with 3 conditions attached.
20/00647/FUL: Leigh End Farm, Church Lane, The Leigh. Erection of 1No. agriculturally tied residential dwelling. Agricultural appraisal dated Feb 2021. Still pending 04.05.21. Application withdrawn 29.10.2021.
21/00063/FUL: Evington Manor, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Removal/variation of condition 1 (approved plans), condition 8 protected species method statement and condition 9 demolition of Vine Tree Farm ref planning application 17/00478 to allow original dwelling house on the site to be retained for use as a bat roost and ancillary storage. REFUSED dated 25.10.2021. 1. The retention of the original farmhouse results in unnecessary built form and visual intrusion within the rural character of the Landscape Protection Zone. 2. The retention of the original farmhouse results in net loss of flood storage volume from the functional floodplain of the River Severn. 3. Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that the dual use of the original farmhouse for ancillary storage and bat loft purposes. 4. The replacement dwelling was permitted in a rural location, outside of any recognised settlement boundary, where new residential development is strictly controlled.
APP/G1630/C/21/3276207 and APP/G1630/C/21/3276456 (Enforcement Case Ref: 20/00067/ENFC): Appeal against enforcement notice at Slate Mill, Tewkesbury Road, Elmstone Hardwicke, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Appeal dismissed 25.10.2021.
21/00438/FUL: Holborn Farm, Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh, Retrospective change of use of existing agricultural buildings to form 2 no. workshops for vehicle repair and modification (Use class E (g) (iii). PERMIT dated 14.10.2021 with 2 conditions.
21/00258/FUL: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning application ref number 18/00173/FUL to allow for minor repositioning of plots 24 and 25 at The Swan, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. PERMIT dated 21.09.2021 with 24 conditions.
APP/G1630/W/21/3267323 (20/00539/OUT). Appeal against failure to determine planning permission 20/00539/OUT in relation to an outline application for a new detached dwelling house including associated access, garaging and car parking at The Lodge The Leigh Gloucester. Appeal dismissed 03.09.2021.
20/00539/OUT: The Lodge, The Leigh, Gloucester. Erection of a detached dwelling house including associated access, garaging and car parking. Last comment on the planning portal dated 26 Oct 2020 from the Conservation Officer. Appeal dismissed as above.
21/00101/FUL: Wellcroft Farm, The Leigh, Gloucester. Erection of side, rear and front extensions. New Drawing – Comments requested by 5pm 18th June 2021. Wellcroft June 2021 plans. PERMIT dated 20.07.2021. with 4 conditions.
21/00198/FUL: Court Cottage, Church Lane, The Leigh. Erection of a ménage and timber fence. PERMIT dated 30.06.2021 with 5 conditions.
20/00957/FUL: The Croft, The Leigh, Gloucester. Change of use of land for the siting of two holiday yurts on decking and provision of an ancillary amenity building. PERMIT dated 22.06.2021 with 12 conditions.
21/00403/FUL: 2 The Wharf, Coombe Hill, Gloucester. Erection of a conservatory. PERMIT dated 18.06.2021 with 2 conditions.
20/00140/OUT – Land Off A38, Coombe Hill, Gloucester. Outline application for up to 150 dwellings, associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space and landscaping. Construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access to the A4019. TBC minded to refuse. Gone to Appeal for Non determination within the allotted time. See appeal information below. Appeal allowed decision dated 01.06.2021 with 12 conditions attached and reduced to 95 houses.
APP/G1630/W/20/3257625 (20/00140/OUT): Appeal against Non-Determination of an application for Planning Permission in relation to an Outline application for up to 150 dwellings, associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space and landscaping. Construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from the A38 and pedestrian access to the A4019 on Land Off A38, Coombe Hill, Gloucester, Gloucestershire. Still pending. Appeal hearing ended 21.04.21.
17/01337/OUT – Land off A38, Part Parcel 0120 Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill (behind the petrol station).Outline application for up to 40 dwellings, associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space and landscaping with vehicular and pedestrian access from A38. All matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) reserved for future consideration. New Design and Access statement added to planning portal 26.07.18. Still pending 16.09.2020. School placement/library contribution detailed costs on portal together with response from Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. Updated Parish Council comments submitted on 18 Nov 2020 still not showing on planning portal (16.12.2020).Application still pending at 04.05.21 Superseded by 20/00140/OUT but P/C asked for M5 junction upgrade info to be added to this planning application in November 2020. Application withdrawn 22.07.2021.
20/01056/FUL: Todpool Cottage, The Leigh, Gloucester. Section 73 application for the removal/variation of conditions 2,3,4,6 of planning application number 14/01201/FUL. PERMIT granted 20.05.2021 with 3 conditions.
21/00158/FUL: Creation of a new driveway access at 4 Pancake Lane, The Leigh, Gloucester. PERMIT granted 18.05.2021 with 2 conditions.
19/00004/NMA – Vine Tree Farm, Coombe Hill. Non material alterations to planning permission 17/00478/FUL. Nothing since Parish Council comments posted on 04.03.2020. Revised application to include swimming pool 19.10.2020. GRANTED 11.01.21
21/00008/TPO: School House, Church Lane, The Leigh. Lime (blue dot, only TPO) – reduce the height and width as per the accompanying report due to decay/weakness in the trunk in order to preserve the tree and and make it more safe for the two houses, motorists and members of the public. Remove decayed limb which overhangs the neighbours’ property. CONSENT dated 03.03.2021.
20/00084/FUL: Holborn Farm, Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a single dwelling. Last correspondence was 2 Nov 2020 from the Conservation Officer. PERMIT dated 10.02.2021. Subject to 10 conditions. To be started within the next 5 years and according to all the plans and drawings submitted. Other conditions relate to producing samples of fencing and roofing materials, TBC’s approval of hard and soft landscaping. No external lighting can be installed unless it is agreed in writing. Installation of ecological enhancements like (but not only) bat boxes/tiles and bird boxes. The installation of an electric charging point and the construction of cycle storage for a minimum of 2 cycles. Prior to the occupation the vehicular access, driveway and parking facilities must be constructed in accordance with the submitted plan drawing no.1215-A-02-V521; the area of driveway within at least 5.0m of the carriageway edge of the public road must be constructed in a bound material and must be drained so that no surface water flows onto the adjoining highway and must be maintained after.
18/00173/FUL – Land adjacent to The Swan, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Residential development comprising 25 no. dwellings, with new vehicular/pedestrian access onto the A38, relocation of bus stop, sustainable drainage and foul treatment works associated landscaping, access and parking.(AMENDED DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS RECEIVED). Amended site layout 24.09.18. Still pending 16.09.2020. Last entries two entries are both from GWT. 4 Feb 2020 cant open and 27 June 2019 raises concerns. Still delegated permit. Last correspondence 21 Oct 2020 from Natural England (16.12.2020). PERMIT dated 20.10.2020 but decision issued 15.01.2021 with 26 conditions attached. These include the need to submit various samples of materials for construction, landscaping and road works. Ecological protections for flora and fauna etc.
20/00644/FUL: Redberry House, School Road, Apperley. Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden. REFUSED 03.12.2020. Not in the Parish.
20/00588/PDAD – Windyridge, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill, Gloucester. GL19 4AR. Prior Approval for conversion of agricultural buildings into 1no. larger dwelling house (use class C3) and associated building operations. Prior Approval Confirmed 18.09.2020. Conditions attached to ensure development is carried out in accordance with drawings received 27th August 2020. A watching brief is to be maintained during development in case any unexpected contamination is identified during sites works and steps outlined if anything is uncovered.
20/00621/FUL – Folly Farm, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Erection of a residential annexe and a detached double garage following the demolition of the existing outbuildings. PERMIT dated 13.09.2020. Subject to 4 conditions. To be started within the next 5 years and according to all the plans and drawings submitted. This Annexe is to be used in conjunction with and as ancillary to the main dwelling house. The garage must be fitted with an electric charging point.
20/00330/CLE -Slate Mill Farm, Tewkesbury Road, Elmstone Hardwicke. Certificate of Lawful Use for the change of building as a self contained dwelling and associated garden for a continuous period in excess of 4 years. Certificate REFUSED 14.07.2020
19/00888/FUL – Villa Farm House, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh. Part demolition, extension and alteration of existing detached garages and store to provide annex in association with existing farmhouse. REFUSED dated 18.06.2020. Inappropriate development in the Green Belt, building in a location which does not meet the spatial strategy for new development together with the scale and design is deemed to detract from the landscape character of a rural area within the Landscape Protection Zone. APP/G1630/D/20/3255874 – Appeal dismissed 14.01.2021.
20/00237/FUL – The Croft, The Leigh, Gloucester. Erection of a two storey rear extension, a single storey side extension replacing existing lean-to extensions, and erection of detached garage to replace existing outbuildings and sheds. PERMIT dated 16.06.2020 with 11 conditions attached including the following: To be started within the next 5 years and according to all the plans and drawings submitted. Materials must match the existing house and further detailed drawings /materials for windows and doors required. Samples of external facing finish materials to be approved and first floor dormer window must be fitted with obscure glass. Details of type and location of bat boxes required together with details of external lighting to minimise the impact upon bats. Garage to remain ancillary to the dwelling.
20/00032/CLE – Slate Mill, Tewkesbury Road, Elmstone Hardwicke. Certificate of Lawful Use for the erection of and continued use of a building as a self contained dwelling and associated garden for a continuous period in excess of 4 years. Certificate REFUSED 09.03.2020
19/01130/FUL – The Elms, The Leigh. Removal of condition (a) of planning permission no. T.1454/C which restricts the occupancy of the dwelling to persons ’employed or last employed locally in agriculture’. PERMIT dated 10.03.2020.
19/01000/FUL – Rosemary Cottage, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Erection of a single storey front extension, installation of windows and roof lights, removal of existing window and replace with door. PERMIT dated 11.12.19
15/00752/FUL – Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh. Update on the construction of three new poultry units for up to 155000 birds, feed bins, new access road, landscaping, flood mitigation and associated works. Revised/additional information added to the planning portal as at September 2017. REFUSED dated 03.01.18. Considered that proposed buildings and associated features are visually intrusive and harmful to the landscape and are therefore in conflict with NPPF, Policy LND3 and SD6. The passing bays are considered visually intrusive and harmful to the landscape so are in conflict with NPPF, Policy LND3 and SD6. Trees protected by a TPO were not sufficiently protected – NPPF, Policy LND3, Policies SD6 and INF3. Adverse affect on the Church and other heritage assets – NPPF, Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and SD8. Cumulative impact of odour, dust, vehicle movements, noise, vibration and bioaerosols will cause unacceptable harm to nearby residents and the road network is not suitable to cater for increased number and type of vehicle movements – NPPF and policies INF1 and SD14. Appeal against refusal of Planning Permission ref APP/G1630/W/18/3206201. Appeal dismissed dated 05.08.19
19/00076/FUL – Fieldview Bungalow, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh. Change of use of landscape area and caravan site to motor home sales and repairs, change of use of existing dwelling to associated sales and office use, installation of solar panels on front elevation roof slope of existing building, provision of hard standing to provide extended vehicular display area and provision of customer and staff parking area in association with the sale of motor homes, and provision of associated landscape works. PERMIT dated 03.07.2019
19/00077/ADV – Fieldview Bungalow, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh. 2 no. non-illuminated board signs (1.2m x 3m), 1 no. non-illuminated customer parking sign and 8 no. banner signs. CONSENT dated 17.06.19. 2 Conditions attached including work to be carried out in accordance with the plans submitted Jan, April and June 2019 as listed. All signage is to be non-illuminated (Banners removed from the application)
19/00145/APP – Little Holborn, Church Lane, The Leigh, Gloucester. Approval of reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission reference 16/01272/OUT, for the erection of 2 no. dwellings and associated access. APPROVAL dated conditions attached. All work to be carried out in accordance with details within application and drawings as listed in the approval letter dated 30.04.19 together with ensuring that all planting, seeding and turfing as outlined in the landscaping information is carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the buildings. Any trees that die within the first 5 years will need to be replaced.
19/00131/FUL – Tod Cottage, The Leigh,Gloucester. Extension and alteration to attached building (revision of plans previously approved under 15/01320/FUL).PERMIT dated 29.04.19. 6 conditions attached including work to be commenced within 5 years, all work carried out in accordance with the approved plans received on 28.02.19 and external materials of proposed building to match existing buildings as close as close as possible. Before work commences the retained hedgerow is securely fenced off by a chestnut paling or similar erected 1m from the hedge. Within the areas fenced off existing ground levels are not to be altered and no materials or temporary buildings/surplus soil placed or store there. Any trenches for services in the fenced off area will need to excavated and back filled by hand and any tree roots encountered greater than 5 cms or more must not be severed. The first flood window in the north elevation must be non-opening and obscure glass and maintained thereafter. This development shall only be used in conjuction with and as ancillary to the residential enjoyment of Tod Cottage
18/00711/FUL – Windyridge, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill, Gloucester. Demolish redundant agricultural building and construct 5 bedroom 2 storey house. REFUSE dated 08.04.19. 3 reasons for refusal – proposal would represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt and would conflict with its purposes. No ‘very special circumstances’ to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt, and any other harms, and the proposed development would therefore conflict with Policy SD5 of the JCS. The proposed development would be located outside of the built up area and the site does not constitute previously developed land given its former agricultural use. The erection of a new dwelling in this location would not represent infilling within the existing built up area and does not satisfy any of the other criteria within Policy SD10. The proposed dwelling as a result of its siting, scale and design would result in an unacceptable encroachment into the open countryside which would be harmful to the setting of the Landscape Protection Zone and contrary to Policies SD4 and SD6 and LND3.
18/01200/FUL – Wharf Cottage, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Erection of a new dwelling, garage and new access. PERMIT dated 20.02.19. 12 planning conditions attached that include: building before the expiration of five years from permission, the development must be carried out in accordance with approved named drawings, to agree a programme of archaeological work, to follow the ecological protection and mitigation measures set out within the Wild Services Ecological Appraisal and Precautionary Method Statement dated 8th Feb 2018, no demolition or site clearance can commence or materials brought on site until measures to protect trees and hedgerows have been installed as per submitted details. Samples of materials and finishes are to be submitted to LPA for approval, vehicular parking and turning facilities are provided as per drawings and before occupation and existing roadside boundaries have been set back to meet agreed visibility splays. Precise landscaping information needs to be approved in writing before above ground development can take place, bat boxes installed as set out in the Wild Service Preliminary Ecological appraisal dated 8th Feb 2018, no external lighting to be installed at the site or upon buildings (except PIR controlled security lighting) and the dwelling is set out on the levels shown on the approved drawing.
18/00970/APP – Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh. Steel portal framed barn to store hay and straw produced for diary enterprise. Re-consulted. Revised information on the planning portal (12.2.19). Consent dated 14.02.19. 3 conditions attached including working to the details in the application form and named plans/statements, constructed entirely of the materials as listed in 1901180ALF received 12.2.19 and all landscaping details are carried out in the first planting season following the occupation of the building or completion of the development whichever is sooner. Any plants or tress that die etc are to be replaced in the next planting season.
18/00266/FUL – Wharf Cottage, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Erection of a new dwelling, garage and access. Application withdrawn 26.11.18
16/01270/FUL – Vine Tree Farm, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Proposed variation of Condition 10 of allowed appeal (15/01007/FUL), relating to protected species method statement and approved timetable. Not proceed with 08.10.18
18/00169/FTP – Wharf Office, The Wharf, Coombe Hill – Diversion of public footpath ALH2. Application withdrawn 03.10.18
18/00057/FUL – Land near Wharf Office, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Erection of 1 no. detached dwellinghouse. Revised plans to include lowering the ridge line, construction of two dormer windows into each roof slope, addition of blue brick detailing above windows and doors and to the brick chimney. Redesign of porch.Application withdrawn August 2018.
18/00580/FUL – Land adjacent to Fieldview Bungalow, Tewkesbury Road, The Leigh. Change of use of land for the siting of 8 no. caravans for gypsy and traveller use, and the provision of associated vehicular parking, acoustic fencing and landscaping. Application withdrawn dated 28.8.18
18/00186/FUL – Two storey extension to The Barracks, Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh. GL19 4AF.PERMIT dated 05.09.18. 3 conditions attached including working to the revised approved plans received 23rd August 2018 and details or samples of external materials have been approved.
17/01324/PDAD – Former Dairy Building, Opposite 1 Orchard Nook, The Leigh. Prior approval for the conversion of former dairy to single dwelling and associated works.Prior Approval Refused dated 31.08.18. Refused due to existing building utilised for an alternative use following cessation of its former use as a dairy building in 1993. The proposal incorporates the creation of a hard surface/patio area. The proposal does not comply with the restrictions set out at paragraph Q.1 (a) and (i) of Part 3 to Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 and does not therefore constitute permitted development.
17/00478/FUL – Vine Tree Farm, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Proposed erection of replacement three-storey dwelling with attached orangery, additional basement level and basement level garaging. Associated re-grading, land and hard and soft landscaping and new access/driveway – revised scheme further to allowed appeal ref:15/01007/FUL and withdrawn application ref: 16/00410/FUL. Revised site plan layout with bat house added September 2017. REFUSED dated 26.09.17. Contrary to Sections 7 and 11 of the NPPF, Poicy LND3 of the Tewkesbury Borough Local Plan to 2011 -March 2006 and Policies SD5 and SD7 of the Main Modifications Version of the Joint Core Strategy. Appeal against refusal of planning permission. Appeal Allowed, costs refused 13.07.18.
18/00299/FUL – Drawdykes, Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Erection of replacement detached garage/store. PERMIT dated 30.05.18. 3 conditions attached including working to submitted documents and drawings and external facing render to match in colour, form and texture to existing annex outbuilding.
18/00241/FUL – Daniels Orchard, The Leigh, Gloucester. Single Storey extension to annex outbuilding. PERMIT dated 14.05.18. 5 conditions attached including working to all submitted documents and drawings, materials must match the existing and the building must remain as an annex to the main dwelling.
18/00105/FUL – Land at Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Erection of a dwelling (revised scheme Ref: 17/00670/FUL). PERMIT dated 29.03.18. 7 conditions attached including working to approved plans and materials and planting details. Access, car parking and manoeuvring facilities are completed before occupation. Building operations shall not commence until samples of roof tiles are submitted and approved.
17/00072/FUL – Land Parcels 7946 & 9067 Fiddington, Tewkesbury. A Biomass-based anaerobic digestion facility including primary digester with feed processing hoppers; secondary digester; final storage tanks; biomethane upgrading unit; grid entry unit (GEU); propane tanks (LPG); preliminary pit; condensation pits; pump container; biogas boiler; standby flare stack; weighbridge; agricultural feedstock storage (silage clamps); digestate separater; office with associated foul drainage pit; landscape works including bunding and reprofiling using excavated material and planting; rainwater retention ponds, drainage system and newt ponds; underground gas pipe to connect to gas main with associated grid entry unit and hard surfacing including alterations to existing vehicular access, internal roads and parking. REFUSED 11.04.17 but now gone to appeal. Appeal withdrawn by Appellant 02.02.18.
17/01065/FUL – 2 Walton Grange, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Single storey side and rear extension plus internal alterations. PERMIT dated 29.11.17. 3 conditions attached including working to approved drawings of 2nd Oct and revised drawing of 7th November. External materials must match existing dwelling house.
17/00961/FUL – 2 Astley Cottages, Church Lane, The Leigh. Single storey front, two storey side and rear extension. PERMIT dated 26.10.17 with 4 conditions attached. NB. note change to planning application description.
17/00756/PDAD – Windyridge, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill, Glos. Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to a residential use (C3) – new dwelling. PRIOR APPROVAL REFUSED dated 24.10.17. Proposed development does not comply with restrictions set out at paragraph Q.1 (i)mof Part 3 to Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 and does not constitute permitted development.
17/00670/FUL – Land at Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Erection of a dwelling. PERMIT dated 02.11.17 with 8 conditions attached.
17/00592/LBC – Evington House, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Installation of roof lantern and French doors in rear kitchen bay. CONSENT dated 30.08.17 with 2 conditions attached.
17/00364/FUL – Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh. Change of use of ‘The Barracks’ to provide an ancillary one bed dwelling (part retrospective). PERMIT dated 31.05.17 with 2 conditions attached.
17/00317/LBC – Evington House, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Minor amendments to layout internally and dilapidation repair works. PERMIT dated 11.05.17 with 3 conditions attached.
17/00240/OUT – Land adjacent to Stone Cottage, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Outline application for the erection of a new detached dwelling and associated access (all matters reserved for future consideration). Revised plans – change of extent of red line; revised illustrative layout; additional information regarding local context; illustrative elevation drawing; additional element to proposal (part of site now contains a change of use of adjoining land to residential curtilage in association with Stone Cottage). REFUSED 04.07.17 Conflicts with TBC policies HOU4 and LND3
16/01417/FUL – Burnaby, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Resubmission – now single storey extension to the side and rear of the property. PERMIT dated 14.02.17 with 3 conditions attached.
16/01358/FUL – Land Adjacent Stone Cottage, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Proposed stables and store (for private use only). Amendment to now include associated access track constructed from Grass Grid system. PERMIT dated 26.07.17 with 6 conditions attached.
16/01281/FUL – Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh. Retrospective application for the erection of field stable. PERMIT dated 27.02.17 with 5 conditions attached.
16/01272/OUT – Little Holborn, Church Lane, The Leigh. Outline planning application for the erection of 2 dwellings and associated access, with all matters reserved for future consideration except for access. PERMIT dated 17.01.17. with 14 conditions attached.
16/01191/FUL – Tudor Cottage, Blacksmith Lane, The Leigh. Erection of flood defence measures including walling, removable panels and bunding with associated engineering operations to re-grade land. Updated arboriculture information. PERMIT dated 19.06.17 with 4 conditions attached.
16/01192/LBC – as above. Grade II Listed Building ref:28/69. PERMIT dated 19.06.17 see above.
16/01168/FUL – Burnaby, Tewkesbury Road. Coombe Hill. Two storey extension to the side of the property. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN.
16/01001/FUL – Grange View, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. GL19 4BL. Front extension and reposition of previously approved rear elevation dormer. PERMIT dated 26.10.16. with 4 conditions attached to the permission.
16/00741/FUL – Cyder Press Farm, The Leigh, Gloucester. Remove part link building and form porch to both buildings. Construct dwarf stone walls and fences to provide privacy between dwellings. PERMIT dated 19.10.16. with 4 conditions attached.
16/00742/LBC – Cyder Press Farm. Listed building Consent – see planning application 16/00741/FUL
16/00410/FUL – Vine Tree Farm, The Wharf, Coombe Hill. Proposed replacement dwelling with attached garage building. Hard and soft landscaping. Provision of new access and driveway. Revised scheme following planning permission ref.14/01224/FUL and refused application ref. 15/01373/FUL – Alternative materials and design and inclusion of dormers to all elevations and creation of additional living accommodation within the roof space. Erection of brick built outbuilding within adjoining paddock area to provide garden store with bat roost over – additional drawings submitted. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN and replaced by Planning Application 17/00478/FUL
16/00163/ENFC – Alleged unauthorised conversion of an agricultural building at Leigh Court, Church Lane, The Leigh, Gloucester. GL19 4AF.