
Bank Reconciliation 2022/2023

Financial Reports Uploaded on June 29, 2023

Copy of 20-Bank-reconciliation-2022 2023 completed

Bank reconciliation – pro forma
This reconciliation should include all bank and building society accounts, including short term investment accounts. It must agree to Box 8 in the column headed “Year ending 31 March 2023” in Section 2 of the AGAR – and will also agree to Box 7 where the accounts are prepared on a receipts and payments basis. Please complete the highlighted boxes, remembering that unpresented cheques should be entered as negative figures.
Name of smaller authority: The Leigh Parish
County area (local councils and parish meetings only):
Financial year ending 31 March 2023
Prepared by (Name and Role): Karen Morton RFO
Date: 24.04.23
 £  £
Balance per bank statements as at 31/3/23
Current Account account 1          2,528.0
Savings Account account 2        52,331.0
account 3
account 4
[add more accounts if necessary] account 5
account 6
account 7
account 8
Petty cash float (if applicable)               35.0             35.0
Less: any unpresented cheques as at 31/3/23 (enter these as negative numbers)
item 1
item 2
item 3
item 4
[add more lines if necessary] item 5
item 6
item 7
item 8 0.00
Add: any un-banked cash as at 31/3/xx
Net balances as at 31/3/23 (Box 8)      54,894.0