
Minutes of Additional Parish Council meeting held on 13th April 2022

Minutes Uploaded on October 12, 2022


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Present:  Cllr. J. Arkell (Chair), Cllr. M. Chandler, Cllr. L. Glazebrook, Cllr. K. Morton and Cllr. R. Theyer.

In attendance:  K. Tilling (Parish Clerk) and 1 member of the public.

1. Welcome and Apologies:

Councillors and parishioners were welcomed to the meeting.

2. Declarations of Interest:

There were no Declarations of Interest required in relation to items on the agenda.

3. To discuss planning applications and consider responses for the following:

22/00345/FUL: 2 Walton Grange, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. This application seeks to erect a single storey rear extension.  There is a long list of planning history for this site.  Parish Councillors have studied the information available on the planning portal and have been disappointed with the validated submissions.  This seems to be a recurring issue with TBC.  The Parish Council feel that the drawings are potentially misleading – some show just an extension while others show more changes. E.g. on plans 80703-1 and 80703-2 there are added changes to a utility room. An additional WC and WHB have been added, together with a Velux which is not part of the rear extension that this application seeks to build. The replacement of the conservatory with a more substantial building seems reasonable providing the attached neighbours have no objections. The Parish Council find it difficult to comment when the drawings do not reflect the full consultation subject. It is possible that this new extra wash room is part of the ‘Internal Alterations’ mentioned on a drawing but it is unfair to make these assumptions without further clarification, especially as there is already a washroom in existence in the adjacent shed/yard area. The actual rear alterations are unlikely to be seen by anyone from the main road.

4.To provide a brief update on the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The draft NDP has now come back from the Inspector.  He has written a very detailed report highlighting where he thinks areas need correction. The overall impression is that once these alterations have been executed it will be ready for the public voting stage.  The repot has gone back to TBC and the professional assisting Colin with the production of this plan, for clarification and amendment. It is vitally important to have this plan, even if it means removing some points so that it can progress to the next stage. Having the plan ensures that greater CIL money can be unlocked. The current CIL money is capped without an approved plan. The cap is removed when there is a plan in place.

Once the amendments are made it is ready for public scrutiny and then the referendum.  It was agreed to support the recommendations of the Inspector. Once the plan is in place there is nothing stopping the Parish Council from putting in a request to revise the plan’s contents – updates to bring it into line with any new changes or shifts in policy.

It was agreed that the under spend of the grant should be returned to Groundworks.  The RFO agreed she would check her figures against Colin’s to ensure that the right amount was returned.

The final version, once amendments have been done, will be posted on the Parish Council website.

5. To provide a brief update on the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.

The main equipment for the events has now been ordered.  The Sub-committee have also split into smaller projects to share the work load.  Cllr Arkell was asked to do the toast to the Queen on the Sunday afternoon.  Bell ringing will start at 1pm, Service at 2pm.  There will be an organist for the service.

It has been agreed that the Silver Jubilee ticket will be revamped for this new event.

The Friday night event will be a bring your own drink.  Suggested that people are issued with wristbands. There will be a life size cut out of the Queen.

The clerk will help to co-ordinate the eligibility for the free parish tickets.

6. Any other business.

Bench – this is now ready to be installed at its final location around the village pond. Parishioners have volunteered to install a concrete base for it to be bolted to. It will be officially unveiled as part of the Parish Platinum celebrations.

Tree – the free oak tree that was supposed to be planted, also as part of the Platinum celebrations is a small specimen. Parish Council are considering purchasing a different tree to plant. If the oak tree survives and grows there will other places to plant it in the future.

Drains – after several bouts of recent heavy rainfall, the A38 Gloucester side of the traffic lights becomes severely restricted by a large mass of water. The drains were badly compromised during the drainage works by RAW Civils. This work was part of the conditioned work for the estate being built by Kendrick Homes Ltd.  At the time, the Clerk reported potential problems and was assured that these would be addressed. They were not and recent photos of the inside lane being closed due to flooding confirm that the drains are not working as they should be. It has been reported again to Highways and dialogue is on-going.

End of Year Accounts have to be submitted by 1st July 2022. There is more work this year due to the increase of funds. The RFO is looking for someone to undertake the Internal Audit before the accounts are submitted for Audit scrutiny.

Meeting closed at 20.45pm