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Present: Cllr. J. Arkell (Chair), Cllr A. Bowness, Cllr. L. Glazebrook, and Cllr. R. Theyer.
In attendance: K. Tilling (Parish Clerk).
1. Apologies:
Apologies were received from Cllr Morton.
2. Declarations of Interest:
There were no Declarations of Interest required in relation to items on the agenda.
3. To discuss planning applications and consider responses for the following:
23/00978/FUL: Becketts Farm Pancake Lane The Leigh Gloucester Gloucestershire GL19 4AL Retrospective application for change of use for the siting of one shepherd’s hut and associated works. Please note the information indicated below. This application which has yet to be determined has now been amended by submission of revised plans and information – uploaded and dated 20th December 2023. The revised documents relate to – showing a new location for the parking space and an adjusted red line. Updated drainage strategy and supporting statement.
The Parish Council are just disappointed in the way that this planning application has come about. Everyone is encouraged to put in for development in the correct way. The Parish Council do not object to this application. It recognises the need for small farms to diversify. The need to move the parking area and provide updated information about drainage is for other consultees information.
4. Approval of CIL expenditure and updates.
CIL money is going to allocated to upgrade the car parking facilities at the Church. The Church is used for community events, and this is thought to be a good use of some of the money. At a recent meeting, financial help towards a Church is now permitted following a change in legislation. It is suggested that the ditch is piped to provide some additional space and then the boundary edge needs to be confirmed. Cllr Theyer confirmed that he was attending a meeting next week and will ensure that the required 3 quotes are obtained and retained. It was also agreed that the car parking spaces will be white lined to encourage good parking.
Bus Shelters – Cllr Bowness confirmed that work obtaining quotes is under way
Grit Bins – 11 110 litre bins together with shovels and are lockable comes in at £1500 plus Vat. Delivery will be 7 days. Agreed that these should be ordered. Difficult decision about whether to give a bin to the Pub as this is a private business.
Noticeboard – £586.90 for the larger one.
CIL – flooding. Is there any support that could be provided to parishioners that have recently been flooded? Parish Council will look to TBC to provide information and financial support for this.
5. Any other business.
On-going saga of the Triangle of land off Church Lane. It has now been suggested that white lines are painted on all 3 approaches to this junction to ensure that all cars stop and now has the right of give way. Highways are not interested as this junction has not had any reported traffic accidents. Parish Council considering if CIL money could fund the white lines. Cllr Theyer will talk to Highways about what the Parish Council can fund.
Meeting closed at 20.45pm