

Minutes Uploaded on February 23, 2022


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Present:  Cllr. J. Arkell (Chair), Cllr. M. Chandler, Cllr. L. Glazebrook, Cllr. K. Morton and Cllr. R. Theyer.

In attendance:  Cllr. H. Mclain, K. Tilling (Parish Clerk) and 8 members of the public.

1.Welcome and Apologies:

Councillors and parishioners were welcomed to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cllr Awford.

2. Declarations of Interest:

There were no Declarations of Interest required in relation to items on the agenda.

3. To formally approve the Minutes of the last meeting:

The minutes from the previous meeting of 13th October 2021 were approved. Proposed by Cllr Morton and seconded by Cllr Glazebrook. All in favour.

4. To discuss planning applications and consider responses for the following:

21/01200/FUL – 2 Walton Grange, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill. Demolition of existing conservatory. Conversion and alterations to form side extension. It was noted that these new proposals for this site will not be visible from the roadside. The property history for this address shows a long list of alterations. There is no known comment from the nearest neighbours so the Parish Council offer no objections to the planning application.

Planning updates: the Parish Council submitted a list of long outstanding planning applications to TBC and requested updates on them. Decisions have finally been made on some and these can be found on the Parish Council website under planning. For in depth details, please look at the TBC planning portal and enter the appropriate planning reference. The Appeal for State Mill has also been decided and details are on the website.

5. To discuss and comment on the Tewkesbury Borough Plan – Main Modifications Consultation (1st November to 14th December 2021).

The Main Modifications Tewkesbury Borough Plan was approved for public consultation at a meeting of the Council on 20th October 2021. There is now a consultation in place for the minimum statutory 6 week period between the 1st November 2021 and 14th December 2021. All comments on the plan must be received by 5pm on 14th December 2021.  Any comments received after this deadline will not be accepted and will not be considered to be ‘duly made’ representations. All representations received relating to this consultation will be submitted to the examining Inspector for consideration. The public are able to view the plan, find out more about the consultation and make comments on what the Tewkesbury Borough Plan by looking at their website: In order to make it easier to submit responses an online consultation form has been set up and TBC are encouraging people to use it to make their comments. This form can also be downloaded so responses can be emailed and posted to the Council. Representations on any of the documentation should be made in writing, either via:

The supporting documentation can be viewed on the council’s website at or at Tewkesbury Borough Council’s main offices) and at all libraries and Advice Centres in the borough.

The main modifications affecting the Parish include the removal of the extension of the Knightsbridge Business Centre. Rural Business Centres (EMP2) – redevelopment, intensification and extensions will be supported if they are of an appropriate scale and design. The land allocated for expansion at KBC has been removed from the plan as it did not meet the criteria. The Gypsy/traveller site in The Leigh has been removed from the plan – a loss of 8 pitches but replaced by additional pitches at Brookside Stables, Cold Pool Lane. The Parish Council hope that the suggested figures for Coombe Hill are not increased any further. New housing at other rural settlements show a general indication of no more than 5% growth. There are further changes to the green belt boundaries that affect Shurdington and Churchdown.

6. To approve the Financial Statement and consider the precept for 2022/23.

A document showing the Parish Council’s latest financial position was circulated. Approved by Cllr Chandler and seconded by Cllr Theyer. The budget is current on track for its predicted end of year figures.  The pay claim for Parish Clerks is still outstanding. A small amount has been saved with printing the newsletter. It was noted that the RFO is allowed to claim for expenses.

Thinking ahead to the Precept request – it is suggested that there is a 5% increase on last years figure and this will help to cover any further agreed salary increase.

a)The Covid 19 grant has now been confirmed and the Parish Council have been offered £500 from TBC. The Clerk will order the agreed bench.

b)CIL Money – Following a really useful meeting with Paul Hardiman at TBC, the Parish Council will apply to TBC to bring the CIL payments forward.  This was proposed by Cllr Glazebrook and seconded by Cllr Theyer and all were unanimous.  Individual houses and large extensions now attract CIL money. The actual spending of the CIL money is much more simple than section 106 money. The restrictions are less. There is a five year cap on spending it and it could be challenged by the Developer if they thought the expenditure was not of a suitable community benefit. It was agreed that the Parish Council will draft a list of potential projects, put costings against these items, then share this with the parishioners for their feedback. The Parish Council will need to plan how this money is spent.

c)Discussion no longer required.

d)Allotment contracts – one completed set of papers was returned this evening so that just leaves one plot currently vacant.  The first name on the waiting list will be offered the plot.

e)Celebration for the Queen’s 70th Anniversary – ideas are starting to circulate via TBC and other orgsnisations about how and when to organise an event to mark this special anniversary. Planting a tree/trees – find an appropriate place to plant it. Organise a party sometime between 30th May and 2nd June 2022. Think about a marquee or barn so that bad weather will not impede the celebrations.

7. To discuss the purchase, location and ongoing cost for the Leigh Flood Pump.

This is a further update on the financial application for installing a new flood pump for the Leigh Flood Defence scheme. The process started over 12 months ago and has seen many emails, and meetings with representatives from GCC and the EA. Originally the funding was being sourced for the limited company that now looks after this scheme. Last winter was probably the worst period for flooding since 2007 which saw water on both sides of the bund as it was unable to get away. It is hoped that a replacement permanent pump will solve this problem. The new pump will make life easier for the houses that are protected and also ensure that the road is kept open. The EA have agreed with the proposal in principle. Recent events from GCC focused the grant funding back towards the Parish Council. GCC issued a long 27 page legal document which would hold the Parish Council responsible for a number of issues in relation to the grant funding. Parish Councillors were not happy about this. The Parish Council have not seen a full and complete plan of installation costs and on going costs involved with the proposed work. It was agreed that legal advice would be needed to ensure that the Parish Council were not put back into a position of responsibility having signed over the original scheme to a private company. Further discussions centred around indemnifying the Parish Council, considering community involvement and value for money. The current legal document from GCC is far too complicated and onerous on the Parish Council. Quick alternatives need to be considered that reduce legal liability and move the responsibility back to the private company.  The extra grant money will also have an impact on the RFO’s work load and the end of year financial reporting.

8. Update on Highways Issues:

Drains by the Croft have been jetted again. The pipe by Colin/Cindy’s is back on the list. The drain opposite the pond is blocked and the pipe is now exposed following the flooding last winter. Cllr Glazebrook will try and progress the issue with large potholes in the road between Leigh End Farm and the Church. Liability for the road ownership is still being disputed.

It has been noted that rubbish has started to collect at the top of Church Lane closest to the A38 junction. Consider installing a bin and getting the area re-tarmac’ d.

Salt bins – are they still in place and do they need topping up before winter arrives?

9. Update on the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The latest version of the LNDP has been submitted to TBC and is now going through the Regulation 16 stage. From emails received from TBC it has been noted that staff do not seem to be familiar with the procedures that they should be following for this stage. The consultation period ended on 6th November and the plan together with any received comments should be on its way to the examiner.  A list of suitable examiners has been promised by the end of this week. This delay and future delays will affect the funds coming from the housing developments underway and planned within the parish.

After the plan has been examined and if it is deemed acceptable, the parishioners will get to vote on the plan. Of those that comment, if its over 50%, the plan will be adopted. The latest draft of the plan includes the main modifications of the TBC local plan. A grant of £5665 has been received which should cover all outstanding payments. A final submission for funding will be made after the end of the financial year.

10. To approve training for the Clerk.

The Clerk has identified two courses that will benefit the work of the clerk for the Parish Council, together with the purchase of a simple VAT guide. Proposed by Cllr Arkell and seconded by Cllr Morton. The Clerk will book the courses and order the resource.

11. AOB.

Agenda items for the next meeting:

M5 Junction 10, Queen’s 70th celebrations, CIL money, Pump.

 Meeting closed at 21:05