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Present: Cllr. J. Arkell (Chair), Cllr. A. Bowness, Cllr. L. Glazebrook, and Cllr. K. Morton.
In attendance: K. Tilling (Parish Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
1.Welcome and Apologies:
Everyone was welcomed to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cllr Theyer.
2. Declarations of Interest:
There were no Declarations of Interest required in relation to items on the agenda.
3. To formally approve the Minutes of the last meetings (September and October).
The minutes from the two additional meetings held in September and October were approved. Proposed by Cllr Glazebrook and seconded by Cllr Bowness.
4.Matters arising from minutes.
Cllr Theyer and the Clerk met with the GCC Highways manager in October. A number of local issues were raised, and the clerk wrote to the manager with a summary of the one site meeting. As yet there has been no response back from Highways.
5. To discuss Planning updates.
There are no new planning applications for consultation, so the clerk circulated a short list of applications that are still awaiting a decision by TBC. These are monitored and details are updated on the Parish Council website when necessary.
The Stables at Evington Manor have some new information on the planning portal. Plans have been amended and the word ‘store’ removed from one of the rooms on the drawing. The submission of a bat dusk emergence survey confirmed that only 2 actual bats were observed and nothing on the automated detectors. There are still concerns about lighting impact.
The retrospective planning at Fieldview is still outstanding.
There is revised information about the new dwellings proposed for the Bellows.
The planning-imposed Bat House at Evington Manor is dragging on. The response from the Parish Council on 12th October is not showing on the planning portal so the clerk has been asked to contact TBC and ask for it to be added.
6. To approve the Financial Statement and consider the precept for 2023/24
The RFO shared the current financial position of the Parish Council with the councillors. The bank account is extremely healthy although most of the income relates to CIL money. As explained before, this has a spending time limit and numerous restrictions on what it can be spent on. To date the Parish Council have spent around £6,000 of the CIL money. Allotment money needs chasing up and there is a pay award imminent.
Each year the Parish Council must prepare a Precept request that goes to TBC. This request is for the money that the Parish Council considers it will require to organise the day to day running of the Parish Council. It is not to be confused with the CIL money. The RFO has looked at the budget implications and has recommended at 10% increase. This will help towards additional expenditure incurred because of extra time required for the CIL work, additional costs for Auditors and the yet to be settled, pay award. Although this will increase the Precept by £540 for the year this cost is now spread over more houses within the parish and could well see that costs to individual houses is now reduced.
Requested for new precept request was proposed by Cllr Arkell and seconded by Cllr Morton. All agreed. The Clerk will raise the necessary request to TBC before the deadline.
7.To consider and approve CIL expenditure
The RFO has been handed some paperwork that confirms that legislation clarifying that parish and town councils can provide support to churches for repairs and improvements has cleared its final stages in the House of Lords. A Government amendment to the Levelling Up Bill makes it clear that local authorities can provide grants for parish churches following many years of legal uncertainty.
Cllr Theyer has been working on the purchase of PROW way markers. Too many markers and signs have disappeared from the numerous PROWS around this parish. It has been agreed to order 300 100mm disks and 200 75mm disks, both in aluminium and with galvanised screws. Approval is also required for the installation of the two Leigh Village signs. Proposed by Cllr Morton and seconded by Cllr Glazebrook.
Noticeboards – looking at Greenbarnes and Harry Stebbings
Bus Shelters – Cllrs Theyer and Bowness are obtaining quotes.
Defibrillators – one for Coombe Hill. Also looking at a Community First Aid Course
Grit bins – how many and where to locate.
Dog bins – put on the bus shelters? Anywhere else to locate one.
Parish Council is also considering the purchase of a new laptop and printer.
CIL community sending meeting on 15th November 2023 at the Swan Pub at 7 pm
8. Update on Highways Issues
Nothing back from Highways. See matters arising
9. Update on Prow issues
Nothing to report.
10. Reports from Borough and County Councillors
Reports circulated prior to the meeting.
11. Items for a future agenda/Any other business
TBCs Interim Housing Position Statement meeting on Thursday 9th November from 6 to 7.30 pm. TBC have called this meeting to explain their approach to decision making on planning applications for housing considering the current shortfall in the 5 year housing supply. TBC wish to highlight the importance of existing local plan policies on issues such as highways safety, design, and environmental protection. The TBC Executive Committee are meeting at 10.30 am on 9th to discuss this very issue. Cllrs Arkell and Morton agreed to attend this meeting.
The Garden Town Parish Liaison Group will meet virtually on 22nd November at 6 pm.
Newsletter – the current editors of the newsletter have announced their wish to step down, so a new editor is required,
Meeting closed at 21.20