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LEIGH PARISH FULL COUNCIL MEETING ON WEDNESDAY 10th August 2022, AT 7.30 pm at St. Catherines Church, The Leigh.
- Welcome and apologies
- Declarations of interest.
- To formally approve the Minutes of the last meeting.
- To discuss the following planning applications and consider responses for:
22/0036/TWR3MJ – Coombe Hill Junction, Tewkesbury Road, Coombe Hill, Gloucester,
Gloucestershire. Improvements to the existing junction of the A38 and A4019 at Coombe
Hill, consisting of the upgrading of the existing left turn lane from the A38 onto the A4019
with a longer signal controlled left turn lane, improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists,
and associated infrastructure.
21/00655/FUL – Windyridge Tewkesbury Road Coombe Hill Gloucester. Erection of 1 no
dwelling following demolition of the exisiting agricultural building and associated works.
Revised details.
Planning updates.
5. To consider a response to NALC on their Short Term Holiday Lets Policy consultation.
- To approve the Financial Statement.
- To consider a response to Licensing Act 2003:Statement of Licensing Policy consultation
- To consider a response to Gambling Act 2005:Statement of Principles (Policy) consultation.
- Update on Highways issues.
- Update on the Neighbourhood Development Plan
Members are reminded that the Council has a duty to consider the above matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equalities, Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.
03.08.22 Kate Tilling, Parish Clerk