Having looked at the One Network Map with specific interest to work in the Parish or just outside it, I have found the following:
26 October: A4019 between Stoke Road and Boddington junctions. Multiway traffic lights for Open Reach to carry out planned works
8 November: Open Reach (BT) have two way temporary traffic lights on A38 near Blacksmith Lane – Opposite Evington Hill Farm – all it says is planned works.
16-18 November: Severn Trent will be doing planned works outside Knightsbridge Lodge on the A4019
1 December: A4019 somewhere near the Nurseries. Two way traffic lights for Open Reach (BT) to carry out planned works
6-8 December: Blacksmith Lane is CLOSED while Severn Trent repair a water pipe
13-15 December: Lane to Wellcroft Farm. Traffic controlled for GCC to install gully plus pipe.
14-16 December: Stoke Orchard Road passed the Swan. ROAD CLOSED for Severn Trent to carry out planned works.
24/25 January 2022: A38 just above Folly Farm. Two way temporary traffic lights for GCC to repair a pipe in the verge