The Parish Council has now received a communication from Tewkesbury Borough Council which relates to the parcel of land situated behind the petrol station. A meeting is planned for Wednesday 15th April 2020 to discuss this planning application. Parishioners comments will be captured and then used to form a response to this application. The Parish Council would also encourage individuals to submit their own comments direct to TBC to highlight any local knowledge that has not been included in the many and various reports submitted by the applicant. The following information has been extracted from the consultation notice:
DESCRIPTION: Outline application for up to 150 dwellings, associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space and landscaping. Construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access to the A4019. LOCATION: Land Off A38, Coombe Hill, Gloucester GRID REF:388980 227200
Please find the application via the following link:-
Please allow 2 – 3 working days for the documents to appear on our website, once available click on the documents tab to view the application form and associated drawings/reports.Representations can now be made via our website or submitted by email to Alternatively you can write to the Planning Department quoting the above application number. If however, a reply has not been received within 22 days of the above date it will be assumed that you have no representations to make on the application.
TBC contact: Bob RisticDirect Dial:01684272101